Crusty Runs SF

Crusty Runs SF

By katherine douglas

Our latest merch drop features everyone's favorite croissant running through everyone's favorite city.  If we need to identify either of these by name, we can't be friends (jokes...but seriously).

I wanted to create a drop of graphic tees + fleece that featured crusty running through various parts of the city but while I might be a creative person, drawing is not my forte.  Luckily enough I knew someone far more talented than myself + so I reached out to him to see if he'd be interested.

Bernie Pesko is a graphic designer + illustrator based out of SF.   His love of the city is evident in the illustrations he created; he even made Karl the fog look delightful. 

the original sketch of crusty running down twin peaks

I met Bernie many, many years ago (we don't an exact number) while we were both working for Abercrombie, during peak Moose fever (the documentary got it right).  When I reached out to him about doing some work, he was stoked.  He's also a Crusty fan, which helps.  If anyone knows anything about manufacturing dog toys, he'd like a Crusty stuffie for his adorable dog Lucy.

Bernie also knows a good sandwich + is on a personal quest to find the best of the best in the city, which I think might deserve its own website (or at the very least a reoccurring post on our blog).
